
This is a special page where you can find all the writing materials I have created or found and used while developing my novels. Also, check out my YouTube channel for more information on each document!

List of Common Overly Used Rules

I hope this will help you in your editing time! Read it here.


Hunt Down Your Target Audience! – The most important part about marketing is figuring out who you’re marketing to. So why not personify said target audience? Check out this TA worksheet: Target Audience

Magic Systems

Starting your own Magic System – Even though there are only eight questions in this document, I believe that it’ll help any author start a completely new magic system within their fantasy novel. Magic System Questions

Story Creation

How to Write Short Stories – I take you step by step on my process of writing short stories. I hope this helps you start writing more of your own!


E.N. Chaffin – Let me help you learn from my mistakes and triumphs.

Mandi Lynn – She started writing when she was a teenager and has grown into such a great writer, teacher, and planner!

Vivien Reis – She’s something special. This woman worked for two years bringing her first novel The Elysian Prophecy to light. She is also well versed in the self-publishing world.

Websites for Writers

Better Novel Project – Christine has deconstructed three of the best-selling novels in order to find out what it takes to get your story to the next level. She even has a master outline!

Standout Books – From writing my first book blurb to discerning the key steps of marketing my book, this site has helped me a lot with my debut novel. I hope it can help you too.

Write or Die – This is a great way to get motivated to write. Because if you don’t, you die. Well. . . not really. Your eardrums just burst from painful sounds booming through your laptop’s speakers. But why would you as a writer want to subject yourself to that? Because it motivates you to write. (There are different versions for your phone, and a full version you can buy. However, you can just use the ‘Try It’ version for free and for as many times as you want.)